Maubydick Project Partners

The project Maubydick was launched in 2011 by Hugues Vitry and Michel Vély

The MMCO accepted the partnership of some foreign NGOs in Specific fields of specialty.

Main partners involved in the MMCO Project Maubydick and the name of their responsible parties:

  1. Megaptera French NGO represented by Michel Vély (2011)
  2. Blue Water Diving Centre Limited represented by Bernard Kirchhofer
    • Blue water Diving Centre is currently involved in all research trips and movie making in relation of the Maubydick Project.
  3. Label Bleu Production French Underwater Film Production represented by René Heuzey (2011)
  4. Longitude 181 French NGO represented by François Sarano (2013)
  5. Teria and Exagon represented by Daniel Jouannet (2014)
    • The two companies Teria and Exagon are involved in the providing of satellite tags and the extraction of data and follow up of the tags by satellites during the course of the project.
  6. Un Océan de Vie French NGO represented by René Heuzey (2015)


Other participating partners

Dolswim represented by Alain Dubois 

Dolswim is mainly involved in providing boats and crew for the tagging missions Maubydick Project 1, 2 and 3.